Sunday, February 28, 2016

So they are secondhand. So what?

Sometimes, buying brand new shoes can be disappointing. After like a year, your shoes would probably look like the ones sold as "ukay ukay," a term used for places that sell secondhand goods (like clothing, shoes, bags, curtains, bed sheets, towels, etc.) at dirt cheap prices usually shipped from the US Salvation Army to the third world countries such as the Philippines (Urban Dictionary).

I have sorts of these items. From pillow cases to bed sheets, jersey shirts to shorts and jackets, I find having these secondhand products worth investing. Some of the items are unreasonably priced high, the fact that those are secondhand and are supposed to be a lot cheaper. Anyway, they will always be cheaper than the brand new ones.

So why not buy secondhand shoes? After all, with some good skill in bidding for a lower price (hangyo lubo in Cebuano), you can have the items with that hidden smile on your face. It could be as low as the last three digits you would settle for a brand new pair of shoes. Last February 25, I took the chance of shopping at an ukay ukay stand and bought two branded pair of items for only 750 pesos! I think the shoes looked descent enough. I soaked the shoes in Ariel Powder Color and Style for 4 hours and thereafter brushed them. I rinsed the items in Downy Fabric Conditioner to give them that better smell. Sun dried for 8 hours, the shoes looked clean and were ready to wear!

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